Ex Demo Products - Our new Sale Section

Ex Demo Products - Our new Sale Section

We aim to try as many of the products that we sell as we can - its hard work, but someones got to do it. This way we can get you the best advice needed on what to buy for your own riding, whether SUP, surf, Kite or foiling.

This tends to mean demo equipment can pile up in the warehouse as new kit comes along, and so we've made a new section on the website to give customers a chance to buy some great priced items that generally don't get used a huge amount.


Wings, Foils, SUP's are all included. Once we get to the end of a season it tends to be a good idea to move kit on, so have a look HERE and see if anything fits the bill!

If you'd rather stay looking at new items that haven't been used, check out the Sale side of the website to grab a bargain on any older models we still have in stock HERE

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