SIC Maui Race SUP Range Break Down
SIC Maui as a brand is synonymous with performance and racing is a huge part of that. Originally SIC was dominating the open ocean racing scene to the point where any rider wanting to win would have to get a SIC board made then spray it in their sponsors colours. As the sport developed more outside of Maui the racing became less about open ocean and more about beaches and inland water ways. This changed the requirements for race boards and brands set to develop flat water race boards.
SIC were probably ahead of the time with their super dedicated flat water race board the X-Series boards. It soon became apparent that boards needed to have more volume in the nose and the modern all water race designs started to appear.
The Rocket Ship
The SIC RS aka the Rocket Ship was the first all water race board of this style released by SIC in 2019. The board was an instant hit and really helped propel SIC Maui into the brand it is today. The versatility of this shape was its main selling feature - it was fast and stable in both flat water conditions and open water. It was even a fun board to down wind on.
The RS shape was revised slightly in 2021 to flatten the rocker. The graphic was updated to feature the now iconic red nose. This was the board that helped make Seychelle World Champion and practically unbeatable.
This version of the SIC Maui RS remains a competitive raceboard today in 2022. It is the only flat deck race board in the range.
The Atlantis
In late 2021 SIC Maui released the Atlantis - dubbed the Rough Water Rocket Ship. This board was clearly heavily inspired by the shape of the RS. The main difference however was the dugout cockpit vs the flat deck on the RS. The idea with the dugout is that you keep the high sidewalls which provide a tonne of stability but lower the centre of gravity of the paddler. An innovative venturi drain system was also used to eliminate water from the cockpit. To further aid the Atlantis in the rough water, the rocker line was increased slightly.
The Atlantis took a while to prove itself, but has gained a loyal following now. It is a versatile board which can move easily between the race course, to a downwind run or some recreational touring along the coast line. It is perfect for paddling fast and covering ground.
Find out more about the SIC Atlantis.
In 2022 the XRS was released. A board designed to dominate flat water races. The name is a homage to the original flat water specialists the X-Series, combined with the RS. This shape seems outrageous when you first see it. The board is incredibly tall - it is the deepest cockpit we have ever seen, putting your feet practically on the waterline. The board maintains most of its width all the way to the tail.
It is still early days for the XRS - reviews and feedback so far have been good, but post covid logistics chaos has meant there are very few boards out in the wild. Even the team riders have struggled to get hold of boards. The board looks phenomenal. The shape works - Mark Raaphorst never seems to release a bad board.
Find out more about the SIC Maui XRS.
The Shaper
Mark Raaphorst created SIC Maui to build custom boards out of his Ding King repair shop on Maui. SIC stood for Sandwich Island Composites. His knowledge building moulded outrigger canoes, together with a new found love for SUP lead to the creation of a new type of paddleboard. Typically surfboard construction, when scaled up to larger paddleboards created very heavy boards. The moulded construction allowed them to be strong and lightweight. Together with an obsession for improving the glide on his SUP designs, and his lightweight construction, he soon became the go to guy for anyone wanting a fast board.
These days Mark has stepped back from the day to day business of SIC. He is focused entirely on what he likes doing the most - research and development. He works daily from his design studio where he prototypes boards. When he has something great, it is added to the SIC line up and put into production.
Which Board is right for you?
This is the age old question. It is a case of assessing what your priorities are. If you are fiercely competitive and looking to dominate races predominantly on flat water, then the XRS seems like a no brainer.
For open ocean conditions, and maybe heavy chop, then it will be more about the RS or Atlantis - the more all round models. The Atlantis is higher volume which some will prefer but lighter riders may find it harder to manouvre. The taller rails will offer more stability and a lower centre of gravity. The RS might feel more natural with its flat deck if your riding involves riding bumps.